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第143章 他很在乎你(1/2)

好书推荐: 病娇师姐装呆套路我,人麻了!免费阅读 灭门后,他成了最后的茅山天师免费阅读 一日三卦,全网爆火很难吗?免费阅读 穿成万人嫌,助眠主播爆红成团宠免费阅读 美漫:金发碧眼热炕头,子孙炎龙免费阅读 双意志灵魂免费阅读 七零:疯痞夫妻赢麻了免费阅读 万界天帝:从召唤华夏神魔开始免费阅读 四吊钱换来的谢寡妇免费阅读 重生之最强修仙免费阅读


“what have you been up to tely?”(你最近遇到什么事了?)Vittoria坐在副驾驶,一手撑着车窗,头发随风摆动。

“dwell on it at greater length。”(说来话长。)


“oh y goodness, how uld so uch have happeo you?”(我的天啊,你居然发生了这么多事?)


“how are your o younger brothers dog now?”(那你两个弟弟,现在怎么样?)

“Stillthe hospital。”(还在医院。)

“whatI do for you?”(那你用我帮什么忙?)

“I was ally thkg of askg you to helphahe pany's affairs, but it has now been resolved。”(我本来想着说你来帮我处理一下公司的事,但是现在已经解决了。)

“If it's resolved, Ialso help. do you thk if a prcess fro try b es to G city and staysyour hotel after beg exposed by the dia, it will also be a wave of publicity”(解决了我也可以帮忙啊,你说要是被媒体放出来b国公主来G市,住在了你的酒店,会不会也是一波宣传?)

“I know you an well, but I don't want to proote it like this with friends。”(我知道你是好意,但是我不想用朋友这么宣传。)

“No, no, no, it's nanda. I have to che at your hotel anyway, that's a fact.”(不不不,不是宣传啊。我反正都要在你的酒店入住,这是事实啊。)

“beg known by the dia aizens that we are friendsbe isuood as a show.”(被媒体跟网友知道我们是朋友,会被误会是作秀的。)

“Are the dia aizensa so idle?”(华媒体跟网友这么闲的吗?)

“they always have a bad voiatter what you do.”(他们就是无论你做什么,都有不好的声音。)

“hey, is it that oney doesn't sll good? why not ake oney?”(哎,难道是钱不香吗?为什么不去挣钱?)

“they are dog this to ake oney。”(他们这么做就是挣钱。)

“Usg oo bckail others? what three views!”(拿钱黑别人?什么三观!)

“there's nothg wedo. currently, a is still different fro fn tries.”(没办法啊,国内目前跟国外还是不一样的。)

“okay, then taketo see your brothers and your brother. I haven't seen the for a long ti either.”(好吧,那你带我去看看你的弟弟们吧,还有你哥,我也好久不见了。)



“what's gog on?”(怎么了?)


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