第九十四章- 女人心计(四)(2/2)
“i hope youre ready for the ti of your life。 jt look at ,i put a gleayour eye。buckle up,were gonna take you for a ride。”紫樱的唱功不输少女时代的任何一位,舞风更是不失力量和台风。
“lets go,we got you gog!getthe vibe!everybody put your hands to the sky。buckle up!were gonna take you take you high。”摇滚风也难不倒d。o。和。
“show e on e on e on e on ready or not!----- letsee how you bop!its on its on its on!”exo和紫樱唱,kai和世勋还在舞台中间默契的跳舞示威。
“get crazy crazy crazy; take it over the !cae we cae we cae when we rock we let it rock!rock it rock it rock it; daill we drop!its on its on its on!”茱莉叶虽然人品不怎么样,不过她唱歌跳舞也有一定的魅力。
“okay now are you ready one o! ohree four!”茱莉叶队的rapper帮忙倒数,与tao和kris杠上了。
“show sp when i stepthe pce!before its done yonna beg e os ride the wave。”茱莉叶每一个舞步都是针对紫樱,她转圈想踩到紫樱的脚都是来攻击紫樱的。
“lets go lets go!we jt do what we do。 watchbreak and pop,ill bst it for you! you wanna rock like cae were never send pce。you ready”紫樱反击,撞倒茱莉叶报仇。
“show e on e on e on e on ready or not! ----- letsee how you bop! its on its on its on!” exo和紫樱配合的天衣无缝,而紫樱之前给他们训练英文也有作用了。
“get crazy crazy crazy; take it over the !cae we cae we cae when we rock we let it rock! rock it rock it rock it; daill we drop! its on its on its on!”茱莉叶这边反而有点吃不消,因为茱莉叶没有想到exo居然这么厉害,一点都不会让自己的风采给抢了。
“okay now are you ready e on!one o! ohree!”茱莉叶队的rapper又想要给茱莉叶打气,可是茱莉叶明显有点不想玩了。
“the-the-the-there is ion。thats why werethe nuber one position。”kris看准时机攻击。
“your crew t hang with ! aoo dangero!”tao也加入。
“at got the style or the staa!”灿烈也不输他们。
“jt do y thg。get hooked on y sg。”茱莉叶的rapper还不死心,可是无奈exo太强了。
“rock the pce dropp the bass!”灿烈rap。
“ak all the girls sg!”tao附和。
“yeah we ake the bells rg!”kris,tao,和灿烈这三剑客让茱莉叶队的rapper输了。
“yeah! a little guitar please!” y和鹿晗默契十足的狂high,茱莉叶他们知道自己已经被exo和紫樱全部抢了光彩。
“show e on e on e on e on ready or not! ----- letsee how you bop! its on its on its on! show ! get crazy crazy crazy; take it over the !cae when we rock we let it rock!rock it rock it rock it; daill we drop!its on its on its on!its on!”exo和紫樱完美演出让茱莉叶和她的朋友只能失败而归,而茱莉叶走之前恶狠狠的盯着紫樱和莉莉。莉莉则是收到茱莉叶对她最后的威胁,而紫樱只是用胜者的骄傲让茱莉叶更加气愤。