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第三十七章 真相(1/1)

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马少君盯着琼斯道:“you to compete for treasure, is not in direct(你来争夺宝藏,是不是卡萨指使的)?”琼斯道:“the t army,and you can't get it(宝藏属于东南亚军,你们休想得到)。”我道:“so you didn't really cooperate from the start(这么说,你们从一开始就并非真心合作)……?”

琼斯一脸狰狞道:“interest is eternal,and if it n tell you rd(这是爱德华诺克记下的恶魔袭击城堡事件)!”

“as mentioned in the article, the underground seems to have a mysterious force that controls the devil(文中提到,地下似乎有一股神秘的力量,在操控着恶魔),the door to the mysted i am about to uncover the mystery of the underground(通往神秘力量的大门已经打开,我即将揭开地下未解之谜)……。”

“for months, we found this ancient tomb on the island,with a hidden force beyond human control(数月以来,我们在岛上发现了这座古墓,墓里潜藏着一种人类无法控制的力量),now that all the crew suffered, i succeeded in living on this magical force(而今全体船员遭受劫难,我却依托这股神奇的力量活了下来)!i'm sure it won't be long beforavel the mystery buried deep beneath the earth,this discovery will shock the world(相信用不了多久,我便可以解开深藏地下的谜团,而这一发现将会震惊世界)。”

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